Robert Kiviat

Robert Kiviat


Bob Kiviat, who produced FOX's smash hit "Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?" ten years ago and followed it with many other widely watched FOX Network specials about UFOs on tape, ghosts, miracles, prophecies, and other unexplained phenomena that fascinate millions, has several new shows in production.

Past Shows:

  • JFK Assassination Special V

    In our 5th JFK Assassination Special a variety of guests presented theories and evidence that generally ran counter to the single gunman theory of the Warren Commission.More »
  • Ghosts, Poltergeists & Multiverses

    Author and philosopher Paul Eno debuted on the show, discussing his theories about ghosts and the paranormal as well as case histories.More »
  • Inside Alien Autopsy

    Robert Kiviat, who produced the 1995 Fox TV Special Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?, discussed his involvement with the controversial footage and the latest twists and turns in the story. The material, purchased by Ray Santilli allegedly from an ex-military cameraman, came to...More »

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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