Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman


Sandra Ingerman is the author of several books, and teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and Professional Mental Health Counselor. She is also a board certified expert on traumatic stress as well as certified in acute traumatic stress management. She has trained and founded an international alliance of shamanic teachers.



Past Shows:

  • Secret Govt., Ufology, & Dulce

    Unorthodox ufologist Norio Hayakawa shared his views and research on UFOs, clandestine government activities, and the mysterious Dulce, New Mexico area. Last hour guest, teacher and author Sandra Ingerman talked about healing from a shamanic perspective.More »

Last Night

Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcist Bill Bean discussed demonic possession, his deliverance ministry, and various paranormal topics.
Art Bell Vault


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